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Photo of marcelo botti cogliolo Paraguay

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Cogliolo Marcelo Botti was born in the city of Asuncion on August 9, 1987.

He spent an entire childhood surrounded by art playing in the halls of the gallery of renowned artists Luis Cogliolo, who was the brother of his mother, Nora Cogliolo Brusquetti but mostly followed more closely the work of his paternal grandfather, the humorist Fiorello Botti...

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Cogliolo Marcelo Botti was born in the city of Asuncion on August 9, 1987.

He spent an entire childhood surrounded by art playing in the halls of the gallery of renowned artists Luis Cogliolo, who was the brother of his mother, Nora Cogliolo Brusquetti but mostly followed more closely the work of his paternal grandfather, the humorist Fiorello Botti Colman, a pioneer of caricature and humor in Paraguay, founder of several weeklies who also helped in the creation and foundation of the newspaper Ultima Hora with the old "Kostya."

Marcelo is making their way through the sculpture and drawing from 10 years about when you start having the first contact with the machines in the workshop of his paternal grandfather Don Silvio Cogliolo; at home find their first colors and pencils donated both his father Gustavo Botti Giralt, graphic artist, of course, also the great collaboration of "Grandpa Botti."

His father was a key factor in his artistic development since it was the main entrepreneur of today would be the work of his son both in drawing and sculpture. To this day their favorite subjects are art itself, time and nature malleable.

During its first 10 years of work, from being a Boy Scout to a sculptor who has transcended the borders of their country MOSTRATEC participating in Novo Hamburgo in 2004, including being recognized in the area of technological innovation and entrepreneurship for reuse in the project METALS, TACUARA ... AND ART.

At the age of 18 he started to know and expose large Paraguayan representatives of art, this desire to learn even more compelling him to enter the Higher Institute of Fine Arts, which runs as "a waste of time, as Fine arts do not exist or are artists, just simply mediocre teachers "in the words of it.

So far it has won sculpture contests nationwide also continues to develop new techniques and new materials, bearing in mind the reusability, love of art and planet

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